My youngest blessing

My youngest blessing
Eli at Cracker Barrel on his Birthday!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Eli's health story just keeps getting better

Eli's Summer 2010 Update....

Well, what a summer we had this year! In the past our activities were minimal and extremely limited and revolved around Eli's treatments and doctor's visits. Not this year!

We had a fun filled summer full of swimming, camping, playing outdoors, boating and we even went on vacation! Eli had a great time and we had only one health issue to speak of, which is the first time ever.

At the end of September when the weather began to change, Eli had some slight allergy symptoms, which is a tough season for him usually. In years past this was always the time he would fall ill with pneumonia and in the doctors office and ER on a routine basis. This time he had a slight stuffy nose and a intermittent asthma flare up that was rather mild. This was looking to be a great start to a normally dreadful season.

I took Eli in for a check-up as I always do when he has a flare up or any sinus drainage due to his history of pneumonia during this particular time of year. The doctor detected a slight wheeze and even more slight fluid in Eli's right lung. This has always been an issue, but the doctor was pleased that he was not ill like he had been in years past.
Due to the sinus and asthma history, Eli's doctor started him on an antibiotic to be sure the fluid present didn't materialize into a more severe case of pneumonia. This is where Eli's summer had a bit of a twist. :)

Eli, within two days of starting the antibiotic, began to have a decline in his symptoms and was having difficulty breathing and vomiting. We ended up at the ER and that set the stage for a two-week nightmare for poor Eli.
Although Eli had been given this particular antibiotic MANY MANY times before, he had developed a life threatening allergy to it, and we went through two weeks of anaphylactic reactions until the antibiotic completely left his system.

During this time, Eli had not been able to continue taking his shakes like he had done for the past year due to the vomiting associated with his reaction. So, the day or so after his last reaction...he came to me in the kitchen and asked me to give him a shake. "Mommy, I think I am ready to feel better again!"....If that isn't testament to a child's life changed then I don't know what is.

Once the medication had left his body, the symptoms went just as fast as they came and when the chest x-ray was clear as a bell! After a short recovery from the effects the hospital stay, vomiting, and reaction had had on him, Eli was quickly back to his old self and back to enjoying his new found freedom.

It has been a month since Eli was hospitalized from the antibiotic episode and has fully resumed his daily shakes, and he is doing well! Thank the Lord for watching over him and for his recovery, and we are thankful for these products giving Eli's body the nutrition it needed to rebound from a very serious and nearly fatal reaction.

If you or someone you know suffers from severe or chronic allergies or even just seasonal allergies...I must say that this product has been a great addition to our family and we are thankful everyday for the level of activities it has allowed us to enjoy with our family.

Stay tuned for more updates on Eli's adventures and health story....