My youngest blessing

My youngest blessing
Eli at Cracker Barrel on his Birthday!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Our answer to prayer for Eli

As I said, we were introduced to a product that truly changed our life....
October of 2009, we began using these shakes. I was skeptical to say the least, but I was intrigued to find out more and desperate for something to help change Eli's health.

Within one week of begining these shakes he had a noticeable change in his eczema. He had always had severe eczema that would crack open and bleed and sometimes get infected and was so itchy.
Although he had many topical creams and oral medications that were prescribed to help this condition, he continued to have problems. Within the first week his eczema had improved atleast 50% as far as severity and the areas affected had decreased.

Week two: He was starting to sleep through the night without waking to terrible coughing episodes that resulted in nightly breathing treatments and hot showers then performing the postural drainage (similar to what they use for cystic fibrosis patients) to help clear the mucus from his lungs. He was still taking the medications but we were able to decrease his nebulizer treatments from 3-5 times a day to 2-3 times a day!

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