My youngest blessing

My youngest blessing
Eli at Cracker Barrel on his Birthday!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Saddle Up! Eli's going to VBS this year!!!!

Eli is having an amazing summer, he has went swimming and made friends with the neighborhood boys since he has been a more frequent flyer outdoors this year. Yet he still has not ventured away from his Momma too far. Well, that all changed today! Yes, I let his little cord stretch and let him do a test flight and spread those new wings.

Eli went to VBS (Vacation Bible School) this year for the first time, it didn't come without a major hesitation from his Mommy but he was all for it! These are the things that we find most joy in, the simple pleasures. We too used to take them for granted with our older children but now, we know these things are truly worth celebrating.

I walked into the registration area and was greeted with smiling faces and Eli was all smiles too. I had mine on, but it was a bit hard to maintain. I found myself almost panic stricken and my hands were shaking...I just kept telling my self "all Momma's have to let their babies leave the nest sometime" so I did it.
I didn't like it, but I did it.
I let the youngest birdie, that I have protected with my life, go.
I barely got a kiss in and off he went joining in with all the other little pre-schoolers.
Just before leaving I made sure that they knew of his allergies and that he had all he needed in his backpack just in case, the staff once again assured me that he would do fine, and although I knew they were right....I couldn't help but scan every inch of the church for possible allergens and such.
Hey, I am doing better...ok, maybe not because just as I left I noticed hay bales (it's a western themed VBS) and I quickly rattled off one more precaution...he's allergic to hay, just so you know...Yes, I finally left him to have fun don't worry.

I went home and on the way there got to thinking, relax! You've left him for a few hours before he will be fine. I stopped and thought about that and realized, in all his four years I have never ever left him in a school or other setting that he didn't have Mommy, Daddy, or Nanny right there. It made me realize just how many hurdles he had overcome and that it was only the beginning to all that was in store. I was so overcome with joy it pushed those fears aside and I had a peace that I was actually going to survive these next three hours.

I went home and kept my mind busy and the phone handy just in case there was any problem. The phone never rang and when it came time to leave to go pick him up I couldn't wait!
I got some household chores done but that was the LONGEST three hours of MY LIFE.
I arrived at the church and was so anxious to hear how his first VBS experience went. I went into the Sanctuary and began looking for my crew of toe heads in the crowd.
I found the oldest two girls and then kept scanning....No Eli. I looked for what seemed forever and just before panic hit, I saw him. He was sitting in the middle of the row of kids and was laughing and chatting with a little boy next to him and was having the best time ever.
It nearly brought tears to my eyes to see how much joy the simple things brought to him. He never knew what he was missing the first three years of his life, but now he can experience it and take it all in.
I just stood back watching him, he had no idea I was there and he seemed to be just fine with it. I got in line to go and retrieve my crew and once I had the two oldest in tow I approached Eli's row. He still hadn't seen me, but when he turned I caught his eye and the biggest grin came over his face. I melted.
He couldn't wait to show me all the things he had made and learned.
He said "Mommy, that was fun, can I come back tomorrow?"...Without hesitation I of course said "Yes, you sure can, buddy!"

So, tomorrow, Eli will be returning with his big sisters to VBS and will finish out the week just being a "cowboy" at the Ranch with all his little VBS buddies he has made.
Yes, I will still be cautious but I will also relax a little knowing that this is just yet another victorious chapter in Eli's book of adventures. Stay tuned to hear what is next on his Summer agenda because I rest assured that there were be more and more firsts to come for this little guy.
I am still amazed everyday when I think about how this child's life was changed just by giving his body the best nutrition available. I owe many thanks to these amazing products and all that have helped us on this journey!

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