My youngest blessing

My youngest blessing
Eli at Cracker Barrel on his Birthday!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Eli is wise beyond his he took charge of his own health!

Well, needless to say things have been quite crazy around our house lately (as if they are ever calm).
We have had a mild tummy bug and upper respiratory bug go through the house. During the past 3wks or so, Eli has had a very decreased appetite (well, decreased for him anyway)and I was having difficulty being consistent with his shakes due to his upset stomach.
As most of you know, once you have had a stomach bug it takes a little while to get back to normal. This was no different for Eli.
So, I let his shakes take a back seat until he was feeling 100%. He was doing fine and I didn't feel it would make a huge difference to be off of the shakes only temporarily.....

This allergy season has been a terrible one for many people and to be honest we have had very mild and intermittent symptoms. Eli normally has pneumonia and many sinus infections and asthma issues during the summer. We have had none of that and no ER visits. Life was good.

Over the past month however, Eli had been off his shakes for a few weeks and I had noticed his allergy symptoms were beginning to be an issue and our outdoor visits were needing to be more and more brief. Eli's mood and crabbiness was starting to rear it's ugly head too.
I didn't think much of it, since our life was a bit crazy with kids, sports, illnesses, and such.
I knew that once Eli was feeling better we would once again be able to resume his daily shakes consistently.
That was my intention, but I guess Eli had an agenda of his own. Who knew a 4yr old could be so in tune with their own body to let THEIR MOM KNOW WHEN THEY NEED SOMETHING!

Two days ago, Eli came to me and said. "Mommy, I don't feel good, can you make me a shake? They make me feel better."......WOW, I felt horrible and excited all at the same time. I asked him what was wrong and his reply floored me!
He told me that he was starting to feel yucky and itchy and he didn't want to get rid of his puppies or take his medicine, he just wanted his shakes.
I immediately went and made his shake and he had it down within seconds.
He went on his merry way playing in the living room, but within 30-45min. he came running into the kitchen and grabbed my leg and squeezed me as tight as he could...This is typical for him but then he looked up at me and said "Thanks for my shake Mommy, it made me feel better and it was yummy too!"
That was all the evidence I needed to know that no matter what happens we will never have Eli off these shakes. The results are irrefutable but a honest and innocent testimony from a 4yr old that he feels better is proof enough for me.

So, although kids don't always know what's best for them, they do however know how they feel and what they like. Eli is for sure wise beyond his years, that may get him into some trouble from time to time, but this time it was music to my ears.
So, This is yet another reason that I will never go without these products for Eli and our family.

Now, that Eli is back on track, I will update on his progress. I am anxious to see how quickly his asthma and allergies improve again. Truly Amazing!

If your body is telling you that it doesn't feel good, chances are it knows what it is talking about.....

Until next time, take care of yourself and be healthy!

Eli's personal shake maker and humbled Mommy,
Kimberly Smith

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Kim! What a great story.:-) I know my guys ask for their shakes too...Ethan had a fever last week and his glands were real swollen. This has happened before so I knew what to do ~ keep him on his shakes, adding innergize throughout the day. He was feeling so bad the first two days he didn't want his regular shakes, but I reminded him that it would help and he slowly drank them down. I gave him medicine for the first day to keep his fever down, but after that he said he didn't want the medicine, just his shakes. Here it is Tuesday, he's well again, bright eyes, trip to the doctor, no antibiotics. Just Reliv shakes!! It's is a wonderful gift...
